More than 80 Prizes in a total of worth $15,000
(7 - 10yrs Old)
(11 - 14yrs Old)
(15 - 18 yrs Old)
Registrations open on
20nd October 2021.
Fees: INR 400 (India)
USD 10 (Rest of the World)
Develop skills with interactive tutorials and AI Bootcamps.
Submit your innovations by
10th February 2022.
Find out the champions on
20th March 2022.
Codeavour is an international online AI and coding competition for kids being hosted by STEMpedia annually to encourage them to bring out their inner coders and make innovative projects.
The aim of this international competition for kids is to encourage kids to develop an interest in STEM, especially programming, and develop critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication – the four C’s of 21st-century skills while also bringing solutions to real-world problems.
In Codeavour 2021, there are more than 80 prizes in a total worth of $15,000. Learn more about it HERE.
There are total 3 different age groups in which you can participate:
The birth dates have been defined with respect to the date of commencement of the competition.
Note that you will be competing against participants only in your age group.
You can form a team only with someone in the same age group as yours.
The only prerequisites to enter this online AI & coding competition for kids are a PC (Windows, macOS, or Linux), an android smartphone or tab, good internet connectivity, and a desire to learn. 🙂
You need to submit the following three things:
You can submit only one project per team registration. You can edit, update, or change your project as many times as you want before the deadline.
First of all, your submission should abide by the competition guidelines. Failing to adhere to them will result in disqualification.
Next, your project will be evaluated and given marks out of 100 as per the following:
You can register yourself by filling your team details here
The registration fee for Indian nationals is INR 400.
For those living outside India, the registration fee is USD 10.
The fee will be the same for both individuals and for teams.
Yes, the registration fee is the same.
If you are already familiar with all the basic AI concepts and coding and can confidently make projects in PictoBlox, then you can skip this stage and directly start working on your project.
Psst. You can always learn something new even if you already know. No harm in trying out, right? 🙂
After completing your registration and payment successfully, you can access the submission section from your dashboard to submit your projects.
PictoBlox is an interactive AI education and coding platform. It provides a fulfilling project-based learning experience through its artificial intelligence and machine learning tools integrated into a graphical programming interface.
With a user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, it is the ideal companion for setting the first step into the world of AI and coding. One can learn to code, make interactive animations and games, interesting projects based on AI, program actions for robots, and much more!
You can learn more about it HERE.
PictoBlox is based on the latest version of Scratch. Therefore, the basic functionality is the same; however, it also has artificial intelligence and machine learning tools and hardware interaction capabilities integrated into its graphical coding interface. You can easily work with development boards like evive, the Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, and ESP32, control your projects with hardware in real-time, upload code to your robots, and do a lot of other things!
If you’re a principal, an educator, or run an activity center or a STEM/STEAM education business, then Codeavour 2021 is the perfect opportunity to introduce your students to AI and coding and encourage them to develop the skills of the future.
If you’d like to become a business partner, please visit HERE.
If you’d like to become an academic partner, please visit HERE.
You can also write to us at [email protected] with the following subject line:
STEMpedia <> [Name of your school/company] | Regarding becoming Codeavour partner
Codeavour 2021 is the perfect opportunity to introduce kids around the world to AI and coding and encourage them to develop the skills of the future. If you share our vision of transforming every child into tomorrow’s innovator and would like to sponsor this initiative, we wholeheartedly welcome your support.
Please write to us at [email protected] with the following subject line:
STEMpedia <> [Name of your school/company] | Regarding becoming Codeavour sponsor
You can associate with us to motivate students to take part in this international coding competition as one of the following types of ambassadors:
If you’d like to become an ambassador, visit HERE to fill the form. You can also write to us at [email protected] with the following subject line:
STEMpedia | Regarding becoming Codeavour ambassador
If you face any technical difficulties regarding PictoBlox or the website, please write to us at [email protected] with the following subject line:
[Your name] | Codeavour technical query
If you have any other Codeavour-related queries, please write to us at [email protected] with the following subject line:
[Your name] | Other Codeavour query
Copyright 2021 – Agilo Research Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved